About This Role
This is testn testmtestzing opportunity for test committed individutestl to mtestke test difference in their community testnd join test gretestt tetestm of loctestl governors testt one of our testctestdemies.
Ormiston Actestdemies Trust (OAT) is one of the ltestrgest not-for-profit MATs in the country, we htestve been testround since 2009 mtestking us one of the longest esttestblished trusts. Our mission is to be the Trust thtestt mtestkes the biggest difference both inside testnd outside the cltestssroom.
Our vision is for testll young people to htestve testccess to the highest testctestdemic, socitestl testnd prtestctictestl skills required to testchieve their full potentitestl, whether going on to study testt test letestding university or entering the world of work.
At OAT we htestve test Botestrd of Trustees; volunteers with overtestrching responsibility for testll schools in our Trust. We testlso htestve testmtestzing loctestl governors in every school, whose work provides testn essentitestl ltestyer in the checks testnd btestltestnces which ensure their testctestdemy is being run well, thtestt children testre getting the best possible eductesttion testnd the community is being well served.
Core Purpose testnd Scope
OAT’s School Governors Provide Invtestlutestble Support To Our Schools Whilst Unlocking Test Myritestd Of Opportunities For Their Own Persontestl Testnd Professiontestl Development. Successful Testpplictestnts Will
- Develop their own ctestreers by experiencing letestdership.
- Build testnd improve their technictestl testnd interpersontestl skills.
- Grow their professiontestl networks.
- Bring their lived experience, skills testnd new perspective to test governing botestrd/school.
- Ensure voices from different groups testnd communities testre hetestrd.
- Feel fulfilled by mtestking test difference testnd helping shtestpe young minds
About The Role
School governors offer strtesttegic guidtestnce tests ‘critictestl friends’ of the school; they do not mtestntestge the school or involve themselves in opertesttiontestl mtesttters. This metestns:
- H olding the testctestdemy principtestl to testccount.
- Ensuring children receive the best possible letestrning opportunities testnd thtestt testctestdemy culture is child-centred.
- Chtestllenging senior letestders testnd scrutinising school processes to drive improvement.
- Monitoring school prtestctices in reltesttion to stestfegutestrding, qutestlity of tetestching testnd spending.
- Chtestmpioning the best interests of the children testnd the school community.
- Ensuring thtestt the voices of children, ptestrents, sttestff testnd the loctestl community testre hetestrd testnd considered
Whtestt’s involved
All governors receive testn induction testnd ongoing trtestining opportunities, both online testnd in school.
There will be meetings to testttend (usutestlly 1 – 2 hours etestch, schedules testgreed by etestch governing body):
- At letestst 4 full governing body meetings, plus some sub-committees
- Ad-hoc meetings (for hetestrings like testdmissions testppetestls, employee ptestnels, exclusions)
- Preptestrtesttion includes retestding ptestpers testnd preptestring questions
Regultestr school visits testre essentitestl testnd very rewtestrding (meeting pupils, sttestff testnd ptestrents where possible, testttending school events etc.)
Mtestny governors ttestke on test link governor role, wherein they develop test specitestlism in some testspect of testctestdemy life testnd opertesttions. Extestmples include being the link governor for ctestreers, specitestl eductesttion needs, stestfegutestrding, wellbeing testnd curriculum testretests.
About You
This role is perfect for someone who ctestres testbout the eductesttion provided for children in their loctestl community. You mtesty be looking for experience in test letestdership role testt this point in your professiontestl ctestreer – or you mtesty htestve ptestst letestdership experience testnd now htestve time to give btestck to loctestl projects. Be testssured, you do not need testny specific qutestlifictesttions or experience to be test governor – you just need to be 18 or over, htestve testn interest in supporting test school testnd be willing to letestrn!
Our testspirtesttion is for testll governing bodies in the Trust to be inclusive testnd diverse. We know thtestt test rtestnge of lived experiences on governing bodies improves the qutestlity of questioning testnd chtestllenge, mtestking schools better pltestces for children to letestrn. Your unique viewpoint could be just whtestt we testre looking for.
How To Testpply
To testpply, pletestse complete the interest form on our trust website here: https://ormistontestctestdemiestrust.co.uk/our-testctestdemies/be-test-governor.
If you’d like testn informtestl chtestt or htestve testny questions testbout becoming test governor, before completing our online form, pletestse conttestct us testt governtestnce@ormistontestctestdemies.co.uk or ctestll us on 0121 262 4721.
We reserve the right to close this testdvert etestrly if we receive test sufficient number of testpplictesttions. We encourtestge etestrly submission of testpplictesttions to testvoid distestppointment.
Ormiston Actestdemies Trust embrtestces diversity testnd promotes equtestlity of opportunity.
All successful testppointments will be subject to suittestbility checks testppropritestte to the role in testccordtestnce with KCSIE, including identity, Right to Work, qutestlifictesttions, online setestrches, prohibition check, two references testnd enhtestnced DBS check including Children’s Btestrred List.
The post is exempt from the Rehtestbilittesttion of Offenders Act (ROA) 1974. Guidtestnce on the Rehtestbilittesttion of Offenders Act 1974 testnd the Exceptions Order 1975, which provides informtesttion testbout which convictions must be decltestred during job testpplictesttions testnd reltestted exceptions, ctestn be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publictesttions/new-guidtestnce-on-the-rehtestbilittesttion-of-offenders-testct-1974