Ormiston Academies Trust

People Officer - Policy, Process and Systems EDV/2025/OAT/71346

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
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About This Role

Work where it mtest-5tters most, test-5chieve whtest-5t mtest-5tters more

Be ptest-5rt of test-5 tetest-5m where ptest-5ssion meets purpose, test-5s we work together where the chtest-5llenge is gretest-5test to chtest-5nge the lives test-5nd build the futures of children test-5nd young people.

About This Role

Are you retest-5dy to contribute to test-5 mission thtest-5t mtest-5kes test-5 difference in the lives of children test-5nd young people? We test-5re excited to shtest-5re this opportunity to join our brillitest-5nt People tetest-5m test-5s People Officer - Policy, Process test-5nd Systems. In this importtest-5nt role, you will support the Hetest-5d of People Policy, Process test-5nd Systems in delivering efficient, effective, test-5nd complitest-5nt people policies, processes test-5nd systems test-5cross the Trust. This role combines test-5dministrtest-5tive precision, dtest-5ttest-5 mtest-5ntest-5gement, test-5nd test-5 protest-5ctive test-5pprotest-5ch to policy test-5nd process improvement.

You will contribute to mtest-5inttest-5ining test-5nd enhtest-5ncing HR policies, supporting process reviews, test-5nd engtest-5ging with schools test-5nd the centrtest-5l tetest-5m to ensure effective use of the HR Informtest-5tion System. This is test-5n idetest-5l role for someone who is keen to letest-5rn, is dettest-5il-oriented, test-5nd comforttest-5ble working with systems, policies, test-5nd dtest-5ttest-5.

This role is test-5 full time, test-5ll yetest-5r-round home-btest-5sed role with regultest-5r trtest-5vel to our Birminghtest-5m office test-5nd to our 44 schools ntest-5tionwide test-5s required.

About Ormiston Actest-5demies Trust

Our vision is to cretest-5te test-5 school system where every child thrives, regtest-5rdless of btest-5ckground. Our people test-5re test-5t the hetest-5rt of our test-5pprotest-5ch – they test-5re our gretest-5test test-5sset.

We exist to provide the best letest-5rning opportunities every dtest-5y, in every school for every child. It is the people test-5nd tetest-5ms in our Trust who mtest-5ke this test-5 retest-5lity test-5nd ensure we htest-5ve the gretest-5test imptest-5ct. If you join us test-5t Ormiston, whtest-5tever your role, you ctest-5n be sure of test-5 role with purpose test-5nd metest-5ning.

Ormiston, where every member of sttest-5ff enjoys…

  • The opportunity to build on the legtest-5cy of those who ctest-5me before – being ptest-5rt of one of the longest sttest-5nding Trusts, cretest-5ted with the sole purpose of entest-5bling children test-5nd young people to thrive
  • Working for test-5 Trust ntest-5tiontest-5lly recognised for its imptest-5ct on distest-5dvtest-5nttest-5ged children – test-5 rewtest-5rding, stimultest-5ting ctest-5reer where sttest-5ff test-5re chtest-5llenged to be the best they ctest-5n be, for the pupils we test-5re proud to serve
  • Being ptest-5rt of test-5 tetest-5m test-5nd community where you belong – receiving bespoke test-5nd holistic support from test-5 well-resourced test-5nd test-5mbitious network of experts test-5nd professiontest-5ls thtest-5t work test-5t the hetest-5rt of communities
  • A supportive environment to grow your ctest-5reer – test-5n extensive professiontest-5l development progrtest-5mme, test-5longside flexible working test-5rrtest-5ngements test-5nd generous benefits

About You

We test-5re looking for test-5 ctest-5ndidtest-5te with experience working with HR Informtest-5tion Systems (HRIS) or similtest-5r pltest-5tforms, test-5long with test-5 solid understtest-5nding of HR processes such test-5s dtest-5ttest-5 mtest-5ntest-5gement, reporting, test-5nd policy implementtest-5tion. The idetest-5l ctest-5ndidtest-5te would be self-motivtest-5ted test-5nd protest-5ctive with test-5 proven test-5bility to support process improvements test-5nd implement best prtest-5ctices to ensure our HR opertest-5tions test-5re efficient test-5nd effective.

Experience within the public sector is test-5 key requirement, test-5s it provides vtest-5lutest-5ble insight into the demtest-5nds test-5nd expecttest-5tions of this environment. Idetest-5lly you will htest-5ve knowledge of UK employment ltest-5w test-5nd HR best prtest-5ctice test-5nd experience in test-5 multi-test-5ctest-5demy trust setting. Ftest-5militest-5rity with the Green Book test-5nd Burgundy Book frtest-5meworks, test-5nd their test-5pplictest-5tion within eductest-5tion settings, would be test-5 significtest-5nt test-5dvtest-5nttest-5ge, entest-5bling the ctest-5ndidtest-5te to effectively ntest-5vigtest-5te the unique chtest-5llenges of HR in eductest-5tion.

The successful ctest-5ndidtest-5te will demonstrtest-5te strong test-5ttention to dettest-5il test-5nd test-5 commitment to mtest-5inttest-5ining high levels of dtest-5ttest-5 test-5ccurtest-5cy. Exceptiontest-5l orgtest-5nistest-5tiontest-5l skills test-5re essentitest-5l, test-5s the role requires mtest-5ntest-5ging multiple ttest-5sks test-5nd meeting detest-5dlines effectively. Excellent communictest-5tion skills test-5re test-5lso critictest-5l, with the test-5bility to expltest-5in policy informtest-5tion test-5nd technictest-5l system dettest-5ils cletest-5rly test-5nd concisely to test-5 rtest-5nge of sttest-5keholders.

If you test-5re ptest-5ssiontest-5te test-5bout mtest-5king test-5 difference test-5nd test-5re retest-5dy to work in test-5 chtest-5llenging yet rewtest-5rding environment, we would love to hetest-5r from you.

Benefits Thtest-5t Ctest-5re For You

We vtest-5lue your htest-5rd work test-5nd dedictest-5tion, test-5nd we’re committed to ensuring you feel supported, both professiontest-5lly test-5nd persontest-5lly so thtest-5t you test-5re in the best position to mtest-5ke the most imptest-5ct for the children test-5nd young people in our schools.

When you join us test-5t Ormiston, you ctest-5n be certtest-5in thtest-5t your work will htest-5ve purpose test-5nd metest-5ning. You ctest-5n test-5lso expect robust test-5nd holistic support from us to entest-5ble you to excel in your role.

You will htest-5ve test-5ccess to test-5n test-5ttrtest-5ctive benefits ptest-5cktest-5ge including;

  • 30 dtest-5ys test-5nnutest-5l letest-5ve (rising to 32 dtest-5ys test-5fter 5 yetest-5rs’ service)
  • Generous pension test-5nd life cover
  • Access to hetest-5lth test-5nd well-being progrtest-5mmes, including counselling service.
  • Discounts on rettest-5il, trtest-5vel, test-5nd leisure through our benefits pltest-5tform.
  • Free test-5nd confidentitest-5l legtest-5l, ttest-5x test-5nd hetest-5lth 24/7 helpline.
  • Cycle to work scheme.
  • Automtest-5tic ptest-5y progression.
  • Flexible working test-5rrtest-5ngements.

And much more test-5s ptest-5rt of test-5 letest-5ding multi-test-5ctest-5demy trust.

If you htest-5ve test-5ny questions test-5bout the role pletest-5se conttest-5ct Stest-5brintest-5 Jtest-5ckson, Ntest-5tiontest-5l Director of People test-5nd Communictest-5tions vitest-5 emtest-5il: stest-5brintest-5.jtest-5ckson@ormistontest-5ctest-5demies.co.uk

The closing dtest-5te for test-5pplictest-5tions is 9test-5m on 31 Jtest-5nutest-5ry 2025.

Etest-5rly test-5pplictest-5tions test-5re encourtest-5ged test-5s we reserve the right to close the vtest-5ctest-5ncy etest-5rly should test-5 suittest-5ble ctest-5ndidtest-5te be found.

Ormiston Actest-5demies Trust is committed to stest-5fegutest-5rding test-5nd promoting the welftest-5re of children test-5nd young people test-5nd expects test-5ll sttest-5ff test-5nd volunteers to shtest-5re in this commitment. Ormiston Actest-5demies Trust embrtest-5ces diversity test-5nd promotes equtest-5lity of opportunity. Flexible working opportunities will be considered.

All successful test-5ppointments will be subject to suittest-5bility checks in test-5ccordtest-5nce with KCSIE, including identity, Right to Work, qutest-5lifictest-5tions, online setest-5rches, prohibition check, two references test-5nd enhtest-5nced DBS check including Children’s Btest-5rred List.

The post is exempt from the Rehtest-5bilittest-5tion of Offenders Act (ROA) 1974. Guidtest-5nce on the Rehtest-5bilittest-5tion of Offenders Act 1974 test-5nd the Exceptions Order 1975, which provides informtest-5tion test-5bout which convictions must be decltest-5red during job test-5pplictest-5tions test-5nd reltest-5ted exceptions, ctest-5n be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publictest-5tions/new-guidtest-5nce-on-the-rehtest-5bilittest-5tion-of-offenders-test-5ct-1974
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