Shared Lives.
Do you have the time and willingness to support a vulnerable adult in your own home?
The Shared Lives Service places vulnerable adults, who need care and support to maintain their everyday lives, with people like you, in your own home. This could be for overnight stays, respite, or for longer periods of time; some stay on for over 25 years!
It is also possible for Shared Lives Carers to provide Day Support in their homes. Someone would come and spend the day and you would support them to work on areas of need like cooking, looking for a job or voluntary work & skills teaching in other areas.
We currently have over 30 vulnerable adults placed within carers’ homes and are looking for more people to join the scheme and become Shared Lives carers. All our carers receive training and regular support from the team. Once approved our carers receive a payment for supporting the person placed with them. The minimum payment is around £330 per week and could be more depending on the needs of the person you would support.
Shared Lives provides a service to vulnerable adults from 18 years +, who have a diagnosed learning disability, physical disability, mental health needs, associated complex issues or are deemed eligible for services through a care management assessment.
The service provides an alternative choice for people who require support rather than traditional residential / day care. Shared Lives aims to enhance people’s independence, choice and inclusion. It is a flexible, creative, community-based scheme that can provide both long-term and short-break services.
If you think you have the commitment and what it takes to become a Shared Lives carer and you live in the London Borough of Bromley, please contact us on 020 8461 7020 or email us at:
Follow the link below to our web page on the Bromley website for more information on how Shared Lives works and what we do.
You can download information about the scheme and an application form to complete & return to the above email address.
Bromley actively encourage applications from minority communities and people who are committed to the positive promotion of cultural awareness.